Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Someone approves of the fat girls....

While at 500 Degrees yesterday the fat girls got a quick interview with Mr.H. Dillion from Philly Chit Chat, he did not ask about our blog but somehow we have been discovered....
And we have been discovered using this god-awful photo....
MTP we may need to take some fat girl glamor shots. Currently I am envisioning being covered in sprinkles and icing. Or wrapped in bacon.
We need to make this happen...
***I would also like to clear up the mistake printed in this Philly Chit Chat post, there are 2 fat kids, I am not the sole writer of this blog....MTP is fat also***

1 comment:

  1. I do believe I showed you the picture & you were cool with it. It's adorable and tells a thousand stories, you know those pixs do. Sorry about the line, between 8:30AM & 12PM I had over 1200 hits on my blog about the opening day, so I imagine some of those folks were there. I had my burger today. It was delicious. I should have taken notes when he told us what was in the burger at the tasting on 3/4. I do know it's 80% lean.
